Stephanie Bonniot
In-person or remote counseling
Private practice offices located in Puiseux le Hauberger and Chambly
(near L'Isle Adam, Gouvieux, Chantilly, Neuilly en Thelle)
Tele-health services also available
Consultation individuelle initiale
- First contact: collection of: your medical and family history, your lifestyle and eating habits, your constraints, your daily physical activity and your goals.
- Weight gain with impedence scale *
- Taking measurements (if desired) *
- Following this consultation, a nutritional program will be sent to you by email.
Initial appointment for two-person
- First contact review of: your medical and family history, your lifestyle and eating habits, your constraints, your daily physical activity and your goals.
- Body analysis with BIA scale *
- Taking measurements (if desired) *
- Following this consultation, a food program will each be sent to you by email.
Two-person follow-up appointment
- Review of the previous weeks, things accomplished, difficulties encountered
- Tips and advice to overcome the difficulties
- Adjustment of your respective food programs and / or physical activity if necessary
- Body analysis with BIA scale *
- Taking measurements if desired *
* Service disponible uniquement en personne au cabinet.